9:09 is Nurture Time – Love: Day 5

9:09 is Nurture Time – Love: Day 5

Welcome to day 5 of the 9:09 is Nurture Time challenge!

Love is the infinite renewal system.

For the past two days, we’ve been exploring how to watch for weather conditions. We imagined looking at a rain gauge to see when we need to fill ourselves up and used breath to create calm conditions. This is our last day on this step.

I want to mention that a few of these reflections take a more spiritual bent and mention God, which is the term I use to describe a Higher Power. This is one of them.

I also want to share three influences behind today’s thoughts.  The first two are books that discuss cultivating balance and learning to receive love; they are Wayne Dyer’s book Being Balance and Sandra Brossman’s Power of Oneness. The third is from Jesus, who said, “Ask and ye shall receive.”

Many of us, at times, feel a lack of love or struggle with nourishing ourselves with loving thoughts. We wait for someone to give it to us. We wait to feel better, doing tasks for others to feel loved, trying to earn love.

Why? I think it’s because we intuitively know love is a source of peace.

So this is a good reminder: You are love. You are a source of that peace.

Think of it this way: You come from a source of love. God is love. God is within you.  Therefore, you contain a source of love. You’re love. When you see God as source of replenishment, you don’t have to fill up that rain gauge all by yourself. Instead you have an infinite, limitless source of rain. And you don’t need to do or be anything to deserve it or earn it.