Welcome to day 14 of the 9:09 is Nurture Time challenge!
Yesterday we planted new seeds for growth and imagined them as bursts of love that produce a limitless abundance of fruit. Today we are going to protect those seedlings by weeding out fears.
When weeds grow, they crowd out the emerging growth by literally covering up the seedlings, blocking the light or diverting nourishment away from the seeds. Fear does this. Fear covers up our soul’s potential, strangulates new growth and causes us to nourish it – fear – instead of our truth, which is based in oneness and connection to God, the source of love.
My dad defines a weed as anything growing where you don’t want it. For example, if I hear myself saying “I don’t have enough time” or “I’m overwhelmed,” I pause to notice that this is based in fear, not love. So this is a weed for me. When I get out of fear and overwhelm, time magically opens up. Plus I’m more fun to be around.
Today we are going to remain connected to our present – this present moment. This is where the power is. This is where you find the fears that you don’t need anymore. Pick a fear and we’ll make space for the truth.
Ready to begin?
First, pause for this moment and totally focus on yourself. Close your eyes. Let all the distractions fall away. Breathe in. Breathe out.
What is a fear that is like a weed for you?
We’re going to speak to the fear you found growing. First notice the innocence of it – it likely made it’s way inside of you because of something you heard or learned as child, or maybe you planted it because it was a defense you needed to build. Perhaps that fear protected you in the past. Send love to it. Then forgive yourself for growing this little weed. Pluck it out and let it go. Where does it go? These little weeds just compost themselves and turn back into neutral matter or neutral energy. Now you make space for the truth. And here is the truth: We are always given the support we need from the Universe to create what we are meant to create. You are loved and supported. Seeds of love are more powerful than anything else in the entire universe.
Center in on this thought: I make space for truth.
Give yourself a hug, a round of applause and a pat on the back. That’s it for today. Sending you blessings on blessings and big hugs. And I look forward to tomorrow with you, same time, for day fifteen of 9:09 is nurture time.
Image by photoAC from Pixabay