9:09 is Nurture Time – Love: Day 16 – Love and Appreciate Your Body

9:09 is Nurture Time – Love: Day 16 – Love and Appreciate Your Body

Welcome to day 16 of the 9:09 is Nurture Time Challenge!

In this reflection, you’ll take a few minutes to appreciate your unique true nature, with an emphasis on your physical self. Our reflection today will focus on our physical self because we seem to struggle so often with modeling self-love for our bodies. I certainly don’t mean to imply your value is at all attached to your appearance, rather that embracing one’s appearance is often an area of challenge.

A garden produces beautiful things to be shared; bouquets of flowers to gather in your arms, fresh vegetables to be enjoyed and given to friends and family.

One of the most loving actions you can take is to share your authentic self with people important to you.

I’d like to spend a moment specifically talking about modeling this for children. Whether or not you have a child of your own, I know there are children who have the chance to notice you and how you treat yourself. Again, this isn’t limited to the topic of self-appearance. However, children and teens do struggle with this. We learn from what we observe. Children overhear what we say to ourselves and see how we treat ourselves. You can set an example for how to say loving things to yourself, set boundaries and learn loving self-care. They can learn this very young – even at 3 years old.

I’m going to introduce a technique of appreciation I was introduced to and have modified for myself.

I do this during the day sometimes, but most often at night before I go to sleep, especially if my mind is racing and I need a way to slow down my brain and body.

Ready to begin?

First, here is our centering thought: I love and appreciate myself.

Pause for this moment and totally focus on your body. Close your eyes. Let all the distractions fall away. Breathe in. Breathe out.  

Start by thinking of your toes. Send a loving, grateful thought to your toes. For example, your toes help you balance. Thank them for balance. Wiggle them. If you’re in bed and doing this to help you sleep, you can add “good night toes.” Move to your ankles. Rotate them. Thank them for helping you move and offering you stability. Say “good night ankles” if you’re in bed. Move to your knees, which help you bend. Your hips for helping you pivot. Your back for supporting you. Your neck for helping you say yes or no. Your arms for their ability to give an embrace. Your hands for their sensitivity and power to communicate.  As you send an appreciative thought, you can be specific or general, the more important thing is the feeling of love and appreciation for how wonderfully your body serves you. Expand to consider your heart, your lungs, your intestines, your belly, your blood, your nerves, your ears… keep going slowly but surely. The longer you do this, the more you will feel happiness radiating throughout in your body, Take as long as you would like to finish this. When you complete, give yourself a hug, a round of applause and a pat on the back.

Sending you blessings on blessings and big hugs. And I look forward to tomorrow with you, same time, for day seventeen of 9:09 is nurture time.