Welcome to day 10 of the 9:09 is Nurture Time challenge!
As someone seeking to nurture their true nature, our next step, “check what’s growing early and often” is a helpful one.
Admittedly, however, this is an area of challenge for me.
On the gardening front, no matter how hard I try, a few zucchini seem to grow to the size of baseball bats before I find them. Once I miss a few days, it feels like I need to find a huge block of time to pull weeds, pick vegetables or – heaven forbid – water the garden. (I used to catch my kindly neighbor “accidentally” spraying water over on to my garden).
This step is also a challenge for me, despite that fact I’m committed to being self-loving and consistently nurturing myself. I naturally work better when I can focus on something for a longer amount of time. But, life works more easily when I keep up with the things on a more consistent basis.
This is one of the reasons I introduced the idea of 9:09 as nurture time. For me, it helps to have a little reminder to take time for myself. Some people have said they set an alarm on their phones, which is really great!
I notice when I am doing something more consistently, like meditation, prayer, exercise, laundry, walking the dog, the dishes – whatever it is! – it feels good. Yet, inevitably, something comes up and I get out of sync and then I catch up and then I try to stay consistent again.
All in all, I just try to accept myself for being who I am, especially in this area. I just compost those over-sized zucchini and focus on the ones that are the right size. Focusing on what I’m doing well helps me keep the good stuff growing.
Ready to begin?
First, pause for this moment and totally focus on yourself. Close your eyes. Let all the distractions fall away. Breathe in. Breathe out.
Enjoy the consistency of taking these minutes each day to invest in your self. Enjoy the deep, loving connection you are building with your true nature.
Consciously focus on an area where you’re growing and flood yourself with love and appreciation for all the wonderful progress you’ve made.
Each little sprouted seed deserves celebration. So celebrate!
Center in on the thought: I love myself and my true nature. Give yourself a hug, a round of applause and a pat on the back.
That’s it for today. Sending you blessings on blessings and big hugs. And I look forward to tomorrow with you, same time, for day eleven of 9:09 is nurture time.
Photo by Francesco Gallarotti on Unsplash