Vulnerability takes strength. We’re going to take a look at loving our vulnerability – even in the face of conflict – because when we are in conflict with someone or something, we often feel like building walls or abandoning ship. Yet love calls us to remain vulnerable and to resist the temptation to pull back. It’s worth calling on our inner strength to remain vulnerable.
Loving ourselves means being vulnerable to our selves. Conflict can arise as we begin to see our strengths and weaknesses in comparison to how we wish we were. Ideally, we push forward, learning to love and accept our selves as we are, today. This creates space for inner peace and tranquility. Plus it opens our ability to love and accept others and we start to see how inter-connected we are. But first we need to resolve the conflict.
Loving others means being vulnerable to our selves and another. When we love someone and choose to build a deeper emotional connection, we take the perceived risk of exposing our true self. This requires courage, especially when conflict arises. However, conflict creates an opportunity to communicate your perception, your needs and your desires and also to listen to the other’s perception, needs and desires.
When a flower blooms, there is an agitation, a pushing, a breakthrough that happens before we see the bloom.
When you have a budding relationship, with your self or with someone else, you need the agitation or conflict to create the bloom.
We’ll call this “re-framing conflict” and define it as a possibility for you to create a deeper connection that reveals more of your self (your true nature) and offers the opportunity to invite more love in to your life.
Ready to begin?
First, pause for this moment and totally focus on yourself. Close your eyes. Let all the distractions fall away. Breathe in. Breathe out. Vulnerability opens a space for you to create loving connections. Step in to your courage, faith and trust. Vulnerability takes strength. Take a moment to appreciate your strength and your willingness to be vulnerable. Flood yourself with love and appreciation for your willingness to express your true nature with integrity and kindness.
Center in on this thought: I invite more love and authenticity in to my life.
Incidentally, if you are vulnerable in a relationship and it is not reciprocated over time, look for the lesson and the gift in that situation and consider setting healthy boundaries.