9:09 is Nurture Time – Love: Day 3

9:09 is Nurture Time – Love: Day 3

Welcome to day 3 of the 9:09 is Nurture Time challenge! Yesterday we ended with the action to replace negative questions with questions that are phrased in supportive and loving ways. Thus a question such as “what’s wrong with me” is transformed to something more like “what am I doing well in this situation?” This makes space for you to nourish and love yourself.

Today we’ll continue to use our gardening as nurturing metaphor and move to the second step, which is to watch for weather conditions. When you’re a gardener, you need to observe when the plants need something to protect them and help them grow.

When we’re being caring and protective of ourselves, we naturally pause to observe a need and then respond to it, similar to how a gardener would provide plants with water if there hasn’t been rain.

When we don’t slow down to observe, it can affect us – we get sick or our minds zoom around full of stressful thoughts. Let’s take a moment to observe what’s happening for you today.