What is Intuition and How To Connect To It

What is Intuition and How To Connect To It

What is Intuition? How is Intuition Different from Thinking?

Intuition is a “knowing” feeling that comes from your heart saying “yes” or “no” in response to a question or a situation you are confronting. Intuition is different from your thoughts and past experiences. Rather, it’s an inner sense that guides you in making a decision that is in your highest good – one that is a healthy choice for your soul. When you feel connected to your intuition, you “know” what to do or what to avoid. Intuition will tell you to welcome something or warn you away from it.

In contrast, your thoughts are based on past experiences, information, conditioning and beliefs you hold. You might incorporate data into your thoughts, resulting in the application of logic to make a decision.

When you are in a flow state, you shift between your intuition and thoughts, which allows you to identify the response from both your heart and your head. In the image below, the flow state is represented on the top half of the graph, labeled “knowing.” Your intuitive response can be received into your head and feed your thoughts. If the responses of your heart and mind are in conflict, you are empowered to make an intentional choice.

Unfortunately, many people have been conditioned to over-ride or ignore their intuition in favor of logical decision-making. If you do this consistently, it becomes more difficult to access your intuition because your intuitive sense (that “still, small voice” inside you) becomes very quiet.

Fearful thoughts block connection to your intuition

Additionally, fear blocks the connection between the mind and heart (see the bottom half of the illustration above). When you are fearful, it becomes much more difficult to access – or trust – your intuition. Concerns about the unknown future, worries about taking a risk or acting outside the “norm” are common fearful thoughts that interrupt the connection to your heart.

Fear can also break the connection to intuition when your thoughts are polarized. For example, if you are considering changing jobs, your thoughts may swing from telling yourself to appreciate what you have at work (great colleagues, steady income) to thoughts about what is making you feel unhappy (lack of challenge, ineffective leadership). And sometimes you may “hear” your intuition, but it might be telling you to choose something society doesn’t deem “normal” or “acceptable.” In this case, fears about being judged and worries about being different from the crowd can make it difficult to listen to your intuition.

Lastly, your intuition answers you in the present tense. You are guided in the moment and the circumstances in which you are in.

Therefore, it’s important to learn how to connect to your intuition.

woman closing her eyes against sun light standing near purple petaled flower plant
Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on Pexels.com

How to connect to your intuition

Here are steps you can follow to connect with your intuition:

  1. Start by getting some exercise. Moving your body helps clear your mind. This is especially important if you haven’t connected with your intuitive sense for awhile.
  2. Take 5-10 deep breaths to calm your mind and help you engage with your heart.
  3. Tune in. Listen to the sound of your breath. Listen to your heart beat. Listen to your blood pumping.
  4. Place your hand over your heart. Ask yourself a question and “feel” whether your heart space feels bigger or smaller. If you feel a sense of expansion, this is a welcoming sensation. If you feel contracted, this is a warning against moving forward.
    • If you don’t feel anything, check your body for any signals that you are feeling fearful of listening to your intuition. Are your shoulders raised or hunched? Is your jaw clenched? Are your thoughts spinning around in your head? Is your heartbeat fast or erratic? If so, acknowledge the fearful thoughts and the feelings you feel. Acknowledging this will help it clear. Imagine the fears leaving your body. Blow out the fears and imagine them moving like clouds in the sky, returning to Source for cleansing and regeneration. If you feel confused or uncertain about what you are hearing from your heart, or still don’t feel anything, practice by asking smaller, less risky questions.
  5. Another way to connect with your intuition is to ask to receive visuals or to hear words. Many people use this approach as a type of prayer. If your eyes aren’t already closed, close them. Breathe in and out. Ask yourself your question and allow space for connection. If your mind begins to picture something, just allow yourself to watch the movie or see the image. Or you might hear a word or words. Sometimes the words or images you receive don’t immediately connect back to your question. This might mean you need to think about the response for awhile to discover its meaning. Or it might mean that your intuition is guiding you to consider a different question than the one you are asking.

When you consult your intuition, it’s best to ask the smallest and most immediate question. Why? It’s harder to trust yourself with a big, complex question. Also, you receive intuitive answers that are correct in the present moment and bigger questions can exceed your own ability to “know” because they are influenced by many factors (including time).

If you are out of practice with connecting to your intuition, don’t worry. With practice, that still, small voice will speak more loudly because she’ll know you want to listen to her again.